Thursday, October 30, 2003

Day Four: Made to Last Forever

It is good...refreshing know that this life is not all there is. Often, however, I have lived as if it were. As the book noted, living in light of eternity will begin to change you. It will begin to create new priorities for you and your life.

I wrote an article for a newsletter that goes out to members of my department last year. We all work with college students and employ a large number of students on our staff. I had just had a particularly difficult conversation with a staff member that resulted in them being placed on probation for a choice they made with regards to their job. That same day I had to write an article, and I ended up writing about the concept of personal choice. So much of what we do, think, say or how we behave is a choice. We let things such as our family, friends, church, work, etc play a part in those choices, but the point of my article often do we let the consequences of the choice actually influence us when we are making it? Unfortunately not very often for many of us.

I want to change that for myself. I want to stop living for the here and now, and start living for eternity. I want to know that the things that are important to me are important to me because they are important to God and are part of my purpose in life. I want to see the "big picture" of my life rather than a snap shot of right now.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
There is more to life than just here and now.

Verse to Remember: "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever." 1 John 2:17 (NIV)

Question to Consider: Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the thing I should start doing today?

I think there are a lot of things that I would like to stop doing. I would like to stop questioning everything and be more accepting of the way some things are in life. I want to stop putting up barriers and allow my values to change. I want relationships to be more central to my existence, and I want my walk with God to be central to my life.

I want to start living for eternity.

Note: I have archived each day's posts, so that only the current day's thoughts will be on the main page...please click "Archives" at the top of the page to read past thoughts.