Monday, February 09, 2004

Monday Musing #1

Well, here it is! The first Monday Musing. I had hoped to get it up a little bit earlier, but that's okay. The point of this post is to prompt a little bit of thought and hopefully some writing. If you have your own site, please post in the comments section to let people know to come and see what you thought about today's topic. If you do not have your own site where you post your writing, feel free to just write in the comments section. I won't post a new Musing until next Monday, so you have all week to respond. I don't expect much response this first time out, but here we go...

In my "Our Daily Bread" reading for February 6th, the passage talked about setting our minds on things above, not on things of the earth (Colossians 3:2). I find it very easy sometimes to get too focused on the things of this world, rather than focusing on the eternity of happiness that I can look forward to with God. Sometimes my focus is consumed by things I am trying to avoid (sin), or by things that I place too much emphasis on (worldy possessions) or I simply just forget to focus on what truly should be the center of my world (God).

The reading for that day had a couple of questions to think about, and I want to use those same questions as my first Monday Musing:

What "hazards" sometimes divert your attention from Jesus? What positive, God-honoring actions can you concentrate on doing instead?