Friday, February 06, 2004

Some new things....

If you have been here before, you might have noticed that when you came back....the site looks different! I was having some small frustrations with the old layout (which was a template I modified), and decided to pitch it and make my own. It isn't very flashy and doesn't use any CSS, but I think I kind of like it a bit better! I also added a link to the weekly writing/thought prompts that Darryl and I will be featuring.

Tonight, Darryl and I are going to a Couples Retreat with some members of our church. We are quite excited (and of course I am a bit nervous as usual), but it should be a good experience. The Pastor of our church and his wife are coordinating it, so I am anxious to see what we will be doing. The weather has been kind of "iffy" here, so I am hoping it holds out so we can get there safely, and then it can snow all it wants (within reason of course!!).

I plan to write more about the experience when we return. Have a good weekend!