Wednesday, February 04, 2004

A couple of new things on the way...

Darryl and I have decided to do a couple things that will hopefully give people some things to think about.

Every Thursday, Darryl is going to have a little spotlight on here called, "Thursday Theology Thing" where he will introduce me (and hopefully some of you) to a new theology term or concept. I plan to archive all the words on their own page, so folks can go back and review them at their leisure. People can post comments or respond with their thoughts on their own sites if they choose to.

Once a week (still thinking of the particular day and the specific title), I plan to start hosting a Christian writing prompt to stimulate some discussion here and on other websites out there. In my searching for memes, I found out that there really are no Christian-based memes to prompt people to write.

Never heard of a meme? Here is a definition:
meme: A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. From the Greek mimema, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.

In blogging terms, it boils down to a contrived writing prompt that is listed at a regular interval so that people everywhere can write about the same concept, question or idea. My goal is to prompt folks to write or think about something once a week.

So, I know we are excited, and hopefully some of you will be too! Keep your eyes peeled and watch for the first Thursday Theology Thing tomorrow!!