Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Day 30: Shaped For Serving God

Thanks for the comments Kim! I am glad to know you enjoy our posting here. I find it a very easy way to reach out to people in a non-intrusive way, and it is good to hear positive feedback! This book has already taught me so many things that I didn't know before, and I am excited to continue learning.

Today made me even more excited in fact! This chapter was exciting to me because I feel like I am getting closer to hopefully pinpointing something that I can do to serve God and my church. I enjoyed thinking about what spiritual gifts God has given me. I generally find it much easier to pinpoint my natural abilities over my God-given spiritual gifts, but this chapter made it a lot easier to think about with Warren's beginning discussion of how to find our SHAPE.

There are many things in my day-to-day life that I am enthusiastic about and some things I am quite effective at, and just as Warren said, these are all things that are close to my heart. I am passionate about them, and personally invested in them when I work on them. I hope to discover what my spiritual gifts are that can bring me the same feelings of excitement and fulfillment when I use them to serve God and others.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
I was shaped for serving God.

Verse to Remember: "God works through different men in different ways, but it is the same God who achieves his purposes through them all." 1 Corinthians 12:6 (Ph)

Question to Consider: In what ways can I see myself passionately serving others and loving it?

I am not sure yet, but one thing that excites me is that our church and community has so many opportunities, so that if I do not pinpoint something immediately, I can try and few things out first. One thing that I want to keep doing through the 40 Days of Purpose and possibly beyond is this blog writing and sharing my thoughts. Not only does it help me with monitoring my growth, it might be possible that it can help someone else, too.