Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Day 24: Transformed by Truth

As I was reading this chapter, I was reminded of a session that I went to at the conference that I attended toward the beginning of this bible study. The conference is a regional professional organization for college and university housing administrators from Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan. Delegates from public and private schools all convene once a year to discuss issues in Housing and Student Affairs, which is our umbrella division in the field.

I attended a session on linking theory to practice. We got into small groups and talked about how we would solve certain situations, and what student development theories we would put into practice as part of our resolution of the problem. We were talking about a situation that involved students and an errant staff member, and were discussing a popular theorist, Arthur Chickering, whose theories deal with stages that people go through as they grow and develop. One gentleman who worked at a faith-based institution shared how theory can become a struggle for him because when his staff or students come to him, it is the bible that they use to seek the answer to their problem, not some theorist from a student development book. He said that his staff want to know where in the bible it addresses the issue and what God has to say is the proper behavior for the given situation. He laughed and said a quote so memorable for me, that I share it with my colleagues often. He said, "Chickering ain't no Jesus Christ!", and I have to agree.

I think it would do me well to stop and think about the things that I use to guide my life, my actions, and my thoughts and behaviors. Is it some of the unreliable authorities that Warren mentioned like culture, tradition, emotion or reason, or is it my peers, my family, or simply my stubborn self? I am not sure if I have developed a solid blue print for my life yet, but this chapter definitely makes me see that the Bible needs a more prominent place in my life than it currently has.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
The truth transforms me.

Verse to Remember: "If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32 (KJV)

Question to Consider: What has God already told me in his Word that I haven't started doing yet?

For starters, I haven't spent enough time in God's Word. I haven't been fully allowing its presence in my life. When Warren talked about the 5 ways to be transformed by the Word of God, I stumbled a bit on the research section. For a long time in my life, I was all about "Question Everything." I think that was practically my motto. My problem was that I would question so hard and so extensively, but would fail to stop and listen to the answers to my questions. I am hoping that this time around I can be more open and see the Bible for what it is...the truth that my life has been seeking.