Sunday, November 30, 2003

Day 35: God's Power in Your Weakness

Many people (including myself) often get down on themselves about what weaknesses they have in their life. Anything less than excellence for some is just not good enough. Everyone has something that is a flaw in their life, or they wouldn't be human. I think the hardest part is just admitting it. And for some (here I am again in this group), admitting weakness is terrifying, even to ourselves.

Don't get me wrong. I am pretty open about some of my weaknesses, but I think there may be other flaws that I have that I haven't even truly allowed myself to embrace, so when I think about being honest with other people about those areas of my life....I get scared!

I sometimes think to myself, "How on earth can God use THAT to help someone else?" But you see, that is just it! Only God can. I could try and take my weakness and make something good out of it, but I would fail. Without God in my life to use me and my flaws, my flaws would simply be just that....a flaw.

The concept of being content with my weaknesses is also an area that is scary to me. All my life I have been raised, and then taught in school, that we can overcome anything if we just put our minds to it. That is partially true, but not fully. Some weaknesses can be overcome, but some never can because God planned them as part of our lives. I need to look and see which of my weaknesses are possibly self imposed, and which ones the Lord has placed in my life for a reason.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
God works best when I admit my weaknesses.

Verse to Remember: "My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9a (NIV)

Question to Consider: Am I limiting God's power in my life by trying to hide my weaknesses? What do I need to be honest about in order to help others?

Any time we hide or deny a weakness, we are shutting off an opportunity to show how great our God is. There are many weaknesses that I have that I need to be honest about, but as I said in the beginning of my entry, perhaps I need to try being honest with myself first and then once I have a grasp on my flaws, I can begin to share them and work to influence others.