Saturday, November 01, 2003

Day Six: Life is a Temporary Assignment

Just a note that the next few days I will be logging in from Midland, Michigan as I attend the GLACUHO (Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers) Conference. I wanted to make very sure that even though I am "on the road" for a few days, I was still taking time to do my daily readings and write my thoughts down...even if they are briefer than usual.

I like this chapter. It made me realize that the discord that I sometimes feel here in on earth is simply God reminding me that this indeed is not my home. I tend to get very attached to things, and let worldly things affect me more than they should. PErhaps I should follow that popular book and "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."

This chapter also made me reflect on what success really is....or what do I think it is. Is it who people think I am, what I possess, what I do, or how I live my life? By focusing on eternity rather than the here and now, I can have more of what I consider to be success.

Rather than post the point to ponder and the daily bible verse, I will let you all know that for the first time in my life, I am actually attempting to witness to people...I have been sharing my experiences about my church and about this program with the people that I came to this conference with! What a first for me!!

See you tomorrow!