Haiti Mission Trip 2004
Darryl has an exciting opportunity coming up that we wanted to mention here. I will copy the letter we sent to some friends and family so you can get an understanding of what he is doing. Our church sent a team last year, and you can see some information about that here.
If you would like to sponsor Darryl on his trip to Haiti from October 11-18th, feel free to read the info below. We also accept paypal, so email us if you would like to donate. Even 5 bucks can help!
Whether or not you can sponsor Darryl, please pray for him, the whole Haiti 2004 team and the nation of Haiti.
Dear family and friends:
Darryl and I are writing to let you know about an exciting opportunity that Darryl has coming up from October 11-18th. He is going to Haiti as part of a week-long mission trip with our church. He did his first missions trip in 1992 when he went to Barcelona, and he is very excited to have another chance to travel to another country and help their people while spreading God's word.
Darryl and a team of 13 other people will be traveling to Haiti by plane from Miami, Florida and will be working with a group called Mountain Top Ministries. They have a website at http://www.mountaintopministries-haiti.org if you want to learn more. Our church sent a team down to Haiti last October, and we are hoping to make this an annual mission trip. My goal is to attend next year as well!
Many of our family members have expressed concerns about the recent hurricanes that affected the nation of Haiti, but the mountain where the chapel, school and house of the ministry director has not been touched, and the area that the team will be flying into is safe and secure. Once in Haiti, the team is under the watch of the ministry director, Willem, who is a very powerful and well-known man in that country. It is a very organized and safe trip for all involved.
While there, Darryl will also have the opportunity to meet the child that we sponsor through this organization. Her name is Francelene and we are excited to also be able to take gifts over for her and her family. You would be amazed what 20 dollars can do in a country like that!
Another reason for this letter is to ask if you would pray for Darryl and the Haiti 2004 team while they are on their trip. They will be doing a variety of things while there including some construction work, teaching the children at the school to play basketball, working in a medical clinic and leading worship services at the chapel on the mountain. Darryl will also be playing the guitar and leading music while they are there!
Additionally, we are working hard to raise money for Darryl to go on this trip. The cost per person for travel, food and lodging is around 900 dollars. We have been participating in several fund-raisers including collecting old cell phones, having bake sales, hosting a Jonah fish fry, planning a Haiti music night at the church, and having a church-wide garage sale. If you would like to help sponsor Darryl on this trip, that would be appreciated. Even if you can not, your prayers are still needed very much.
For those wanting to sponsor Darryl, you are welcome to send checks or money orders directly to us or the church. The church address is First Baptist Church of North Terre Haute, 2944 E. Hall Avenue, Terre Haute Indiana, 47805. If you send them to the church, please be sure to indicate that the donation is to benefit Darryl for Haiti.
If you would like to hear more about what we are doing or planning in preparation for this trip, feel free to give us a call! We are getting very excited! Feel free to pass this letter on to anyone who you think might be interested in praying for or sponsoring Darryl!
Charity and Darryl
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