Sunday, November 02, 2003

Day Seven: The Reason for Everything

This chapter was a great "blueprint" for how to live our lives! Keeping the 5 purposes God has for our lives in mind makes our daily grind a little bit easier. As the book said, everything that we do should show God glory in some way, because everything we have and experience is made possible for us by Him.

As I sit here in my hotel room, frustrated by the fact that I can't get my latop to connect to my dial up server back home, I am trying to reflect and be thankful that I am even fortunate enough to be able to own a laptop and that I possess the skills to be able to share my thoughts across the miles with other people.

I am rather sleepy this morning, but I knew the rest of my day would be hectic and I wanted to be SURE to take this time and do my bible study. It was so refreshing to near the end of the chapter and read at times when I wonder if I have the strength to live for God, He will give me strength!! FOr that I am truly lucky!

And you know what also another pleasant suprise? Since I learned that we would have bible verse to memorize each week, I was worried...because I was sure I wouldn't be able to do it, but low and behold...I woke up this morning and know my verse!!!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he has prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

And I didn't even look that up!!! :)