Thursday, November 13, 2003

Day 18: Experiencing Life Together

Darryl and I both agreed after we read this chapter, that it was the most difficult chapter for both of us so far in this study. Since we have only begun to attend church regularly a short time ago, we have not yet had a chance to develop intimacy with any members of the church. I have a hard enough time just remembering people's names!!

One thing that made me sad, and that I talked to Darryl about was that when I read this chapter, I couldn't help but think about him and I....that even in our small group of two....we do not fellowship. I think the hardest part of the concept of fellowship and experiencing life with others is that it requires me to do two things that have always been very difficult for me. One is to share myself with be open, honest and outward about all my struggles. The second one is to allow myself to be vulnerable to another person. That is a hard thing to do. Even with other Christians. Even with Darryl.

An interesting note: I just re-read the two paragraphs above (I mentally spell check as I write HA!) and I noticed something about the two things that I feel fellowship with other Christians will require. I noticed that they were both framed in a negative context. I would have to share my struggles and be vulnerable. Well, now that I sit there, I start to think that I could also share my joys and my triumphs! I could share steps forward in my walk with God, and I could learn things from other people. And perhaps allowing myself to be vulnerable isn't even so bad. I could look at it in terms of allowing myself a growth opportunity by letting people see me..all of me...the real me. Just an interesting side note.

One concept that I liked in this chapter was that of experiencing sympathy in real fellowship. It is sometimes nice to know that I am not alone. It gives me strength to know that there are others who have had the same issues that I have had, and it makes me feel good to be able to help someone who may be experiencing something that I had overcome in my own past. The key is not to focus on my own issues, but to be open to giving and receiving at the same time.

I have never really been a part of a small group like a Sunday School class because my church attendance was so varied as I mentioned before, but I am looking forward to experiencing more as we continue the study. I also look forward to trying to explore more fellowship with Darryl in out small group of two.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
I need others in my life.

Verse to Remember: "Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 (NLT)

Question to Consider: What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at a more genuine, heart-to-heart level?

I think I did that today by telling Darryl that I didn't feel we really shared and fellowshipped with each other in the way that God intended for us to do. It was hard for me to bring that up, because I still fear judgment or vulnerability. But, if I can't be open with him...then who can I be open with?!?