Friday, November 07, 2003

Day 12: Developing Your Friendship With God:

As I was reading today's chapter, I found myself thinking of a couple of different things that didn't necessarily have to do with today's lesson. The first was something that Darryl and I have talked about before, and I once again thought about today. I am beginning to think that this whole Purpose Driven Life campaign must truly be powerful in its ability to change people's lives, because it seems that Satan is tempting me everyday to not want to read. I find myself coming home from work tired, not wanting to read, not wanting to blog, etc. Which leads me to think that perhaps Satan knows how powerful this message is, and he is doing everything he can to try and tempt people from giving themselves fully to this study.

The other thing that I have noticed is that at each and every step of the way through this journey, God is addressing my fears, doubts and concerns through this book. Just yesterday I blogged about how I worry about my style of prayer, and today I read that God prefers simple honest and true emotion when dealing with him rather than predictable, pious cliches. I can think back to at least 6-7 different occasions in the last 12 days when I have had concerns and the very next day, I read reassurances in the book from Rick Warren. If that isn't telling me something, then I don't know what is!

The reassurance that I got today was more of a reminder than anything. I have blogged before about how I struggle to keep and maintain relationships. I have let some of the best friendships of my life fade away into the past because I did nothing to actively keep them going. I could have called, wrote a letter, sent an email, or made a visit, but never did. Now, this doesn't mean that I didn't think about the person(s), because I always do, but my point is that I never took action.

The book says, "You are as close to God as you chose to be." I need to remember that! It is MY choice. God will hold out his hand to me, but if I never take it, or if I take it and then let go...then I have no one to blame but myself. If I am worried about nurturing my relationship with God, and if I want to truly be his friend, then I need to make an effort!

The last part of the chapter focuses on the fact that nothing should be more important than developing a friendship with God. Although I know I have accepted Christ into my life and am a Christian, I can honestly say that I have not always made a friendship...or heck! made even a simple relationship with him a priority. That needs to change. I am glad he is patient, and doesn't expect perfection.

Thinking About My Purpose

Point to Ponder:
I'm as close to God as I choose to be.

Verse to Remember: "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." James 4:8a (NLT)

Question to Consider: What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to God?

I think I can start today by just talking honestly with God as the book holds my heart and my soul and talk to him. About my fears, about my doubts, about my hesitations...perhaps there is even fear and anger in there. Whatever it is that keeps me on the edge needs to be given to God frankly. Sounds like a good place to start to me!