Monday, February 23, 2004

Gardening for God

I know, I know...the title is a bit cheesy for today's Monday Musing, but I think it fits. Once again, I want to turn to a recent Our Daily Bread devotional. Yesterday, the reading was about Gardening Tips for making ourselves more open to the Holy Spirit.

Mark 4:20 says:
These are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the Word, accept it, and bear fruit.

The reading talked about how we as Christians can do things to make ourselves more receptive to God, more open to His Word, and more aware of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. By taking care of our "soil", God's seed can grow and flourish in our lives.

I am curious today to hear what you may do in your life to take care of yourself, making you more receptive to God. Do you pray? Read the Bible? Attend small groups? How do you ready yourself for His plan and will? Do you ever find yourself resistant? Are there weeds and rocks in the way on some days?

What kind of soil are you?

Feel free to write about this on your own site and post in the comments section so people can come and visit, or if you do not have your own site, feel free to post your thoughts directly to the comments area.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Prayers for Haiti

When you pray each day, what and who do you pray for?

My usual prayers include thanking God for what he has done in my life, the mercy He has shown me, I ask for forgiveness, I ask for His will in my life, I ask Him to be with friends and family in their times of need...I could go on. But, one thing I also do and have been doing since I read The Purpose Driven Life is pray for a country. I used to pray for Taiwan. I know that sounds silly saying, "Please be with Taiwan" or "Please bless Taiwan", but I did it. I wanted God to be with the people in that country who didn't know Him, or those who know Him but are persecuted for their beliefs.

A few weeks ago, I started praying specifically for a different country, and I want to ask those of you who have never considered praying for people or places outside of your own city or country to consider praying for the people there as well. Darryl and I pray daily for the country of Haiti and the people there.

In October of 2003, our church sent a team of 13 members to Haiti to help do work with some missionaries that work with an organization called Mountain Top Ministries. To read a bit about their experience, feel free to click here and visit a page one of the members who went created. From everything that the people who went said upon their return, it was an amazing experience.

The Mountain Top Ministries group works to provide medical care, schooling and spiritual ministry to the people of Haiti. For that ministry alone, I would pray. But in recent weeks, I have begun praying additionally because of the strife occurring in that country. If you have consumed any news recently, you can read and hear about uprisings and rebel groups over-throwing the government in all parts of the country.

Nearly a week ago, one of the 13 members from our church who originally went to Haiti in October felt called to return to the Mountain Top Ministries area and help with the dedication of their new church. Despite the upheaval in the country, and the risk to his own life, he answered God's call and went to assist. As news comes in daily, I continue to pray for his safe return and for the safety of all the people who live in Haiti.

Can you please help me and do the same? It is so very easy...just something simple like this:

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Please keep your hand upon the innocent people in Haiti.
Please bring peace to their country and minimize the bloodshed.
Please allow the safe return of all missionaries working in Haiti, and be with those who continue their work there.
Please be with Haiti.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Monday Musing #2

I have had a few occasions recently to deal with some non-Christian friends of mine, and one of my biggest struggles is how to deal with them in a non-judgmental way. Because I feel that I do not have a complete knowledge of the Word of God, and am still developing my relationship with Him, I sometimes get flustered trying to explain myself and my convictions. In those instances I find myself most judgmental.

I will keep today's writing prompt rather short....

Romans 14: 13 says:
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.

How do you deal with issues of judgment? Does it differ when the person is a Christian? When they are not?

Feel free to explore this on your own site and post in the comments section for others to come and see, or if you do not have your own site, you can write directly into the comments section. I look forward to hearing how some of you deal with this issue.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Be sweet to each other!

from Darryl and Charity

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient;
love is kind.
Love is not envious
or boastful or arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way:
it is not irritable or resentful;
it does not rejoice in wrong doing,
but rejoices in truth.
Love bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Monday Musing #1

Well, here it is! The first Monday Musing. I had hoped to get it up a little bit earlier, but that's okay. The point of this post is to prompt a little bit of thought and hopefully some writing. If you have your own site, please post in the comments section to let people know to come and see what you thought about today's topic. If you do not have your own site where you post your writing, feel free to just write in the comments section. I won't post a new Musing until next Monday, so you have all week to respond. I don't expect much response this first time out, but here we go...

In my "Our Daily Bread" reading for February 6th, the passage talked about setting our minds on things above, not on things of the earth (Colossians 3:2). I find it very easy sometimes to get too focused on the things of this world, rather than focusing on the eternity of happiness that I can look forward to with God. Sometimes my focus is consumed by things I am trying to avoid (sin), or by things that I place too much emphasis on (worldy possessions) or I simply just forget to focus on what truly should be the center of my world (God).

The reading for that day had a couple of questions to think about, and I want to use those same questions as my first Monday Musing:

What "hazards" sometimes divert your attention from Jesus? What positive, God-honoring actions can you concentrate on doing instead?

Sunday, February 08, 2004

The Couples inspiring experience

Well, we survived! We went on an over night Couples Retreat with the Pastor of our church and his wife. There were 6 other couples there as well from other churches in the area, and we had such a good time! We got there around 5:00pm on Friday to check into our hotel at the Billie Creek Village Inn, and then had dinner together at a local establishment. The evening concluded with a great session on Communication and then we played some really fun games that left the husbands covered in lipstick! Saturday was spent in groups together to discuss topics that included the biblical roles of husbands and wives, how to ask for forgiveness and how to give it, learning about what makes our spouses react, and finally sex. Yeah, you heard me...we sat around and talked about S-E-X with the Pastor! The session was great! They all were, and I wanted to share a few basic lessons that I learned from the weekend away.

The first thing I noticed when we got there was that Darryl and I were the youngest of the group. I would say that every other couple there had at least 10 years on us, and some had quite a bit more. When I thought about it, it made me realize that working on your marriage is something that never stops! I looked at some of these couples and was sure that none of them had any problems, but their marriages were so important to them that they took time out of their lives to focus on each other, their relationship and first and foremost, God.

I also learned some solid biblical principles about what it means to be a wife. And I learned biblical principles about what it means for Darryl to be a husband. I think that is the thing that I honestly liked most about our time at the retreat was how grounded everything was in God's Word. Every session had us reading the Word of God and talking about how His commandments for marriage can be translated into workable actions and reactions by us. I saw, literally for the first time, what my specific role is as a wife, and what God wants to be in my marriage to Darryl.

The session on forgiveness was also a real eye opener. So often in life, and in our marriages, when we do something wrong to someone, the only thing that falls from our lips is a feeble, "I'm sorry" and sometimes we don't even offer that much! The scriptures and the session taught me that in order to truly repent for the wrong we have done to someone, we need to approach them and ask for their forgiveness. It is only when we have asked for it, and they have granted it that we can free ourselves from the burden of our wrong-doing and move on to more positive things with that person. We also talked about how we can model this action to our children in the home, and how our society as a whole needs to get back to the basics of asking for and receiving forgiveness, rather than just minimizing our wrongs with a simple apology and nothing more.

I could go on and on about specific things we learned, but in the end, the biggest lesson that I learned in that there IS a model for how we can have a successful marriage. Christ's love for His church shows us the way to loving each other. I only wish I had known all of this earlier. I am not saying that any of the problems Darryl and I have faced and overcome would have not been there, but I think that it is possible that having a blueprint would have helped us, rather than having us fumble around in the dark as we did during the first 6 years of our marriage.

I think every couple, especially ones not yet married, should take a course or go to a retreat like this. For me, I never saw a model of how marriage was suppose to work before this weekend. I did not see this model in my home growing up, no one ever sat me down and told me what to do as a wife, no one ever explained to me that God has given me specific commandments as a partner in my marriage. I NEVER KNEW!! But, I do now. And that is the important thing. I now know the role I am suppose to have in my marriage, and I want to say to everyone out there who has never gone to a Couples Retreat with your church, or who hasn't been to one in a long time....go. Even if you think things are fine and wonderful, go just to renew yourself and your relationship, go just to remind yourself of how God can show us the way to loving each other fully as husbands and wives, go just because you love your spouse. Just go.

I want to publicly thank the Pastor of my church and his wife, as well as the Community Christian Counseling Center of Terre Haute, and the other couples who were there for making this a truly beneficial and wonderful learning experience for me. Thank you.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Some new things....

If you have been here before, you might have noticed that when you came back....the site looks different! I was having some small frustrations with the old layout (which was a template I modified), and decided to pitch it and make my own. It isn't very flashy and doesn't use any CSS, but I think I kind of like it a bit better! I also added a link to the weekly writing/thought prompts that Darryl and I will be featuring.

Tonight, Darryl and I are going to a Couples Retreat with some members of our church. We are quite excited (and of course I am a bit nervous as usual), but it should be a good experience. The Pastor of our church and his wife are coordinating it, so I am anxious to see what we will be doing. The weather has been kind of "iffy" here, so I am hoping it holds out so we can get there safely, and then it can snow all it wants (within reason of course!!).

I plan to write more about the experience when we return. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

A couple of new things on the way...

Darryl and I have decided to do a couple things that will hopefully give people some things to think about.

Every Thursday, Darryl is going to have a little spotlight on here called, "Thursday Theology Thing" where he will introduce me (and hopefully some of you) to a new theology term or concept. I plan to archive all the words on their own page, so folks can go back and review them at their leisure. People can post comments or respond with their thoughts on their own sites if they choose to.

Once a week (still thinking of the particular day and the specific title), I plan to start hosting a Christian writing prompt to stimulate some discussion here and on other websites out there. In my searching for memes, I found out that there really are no Christian-based memes to prompt people to write.

Never heard of a meme? Here is a definition:
meme: A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. From the Greek mimema, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.

In blogging terms, it boils down to a contrived writing prompt that is listed at a regular interval so that people everywhere can write about the same concept, question or idea. My goal is to prompt folks to write or think about something once a week.

So, I know we are excited, and hopefully some of you will be too! Keep your eyes peeled and watch for the first Thursday Theology Thing tomorrow!!